Jumat, 19 Juli 2013

How to Be Pro Playing Counter Strike(1.6,Online,Global Offensive)

1. Functions and Completeness Of your Gaming Gear

Gaming gear atau yang biasa kita sebut Equipment contohnya seperti Headset,Mouse, dan Keyboard. Equipment yang digunakan di atas itu khusus untuk bermain game, karena sangat berbeda, coba anda pakai mouse yang ecek-ecek yang 30-50 rb dan bandingkan dengan mouse khusus gaming, mouse yang ecek-ecek tadi pasti baru sebulan dipakai langsung rusak, entah scrollnya atau sensitivitasnya berkurang. Berbeda dengan mouse gaming seperti razer,steelseries,dsb, mereka tidak mudah rusak karena dibuat dengan bahan khusus yang tahan dan tidak mudah rusak. berikutnya adalah kelengkapan juga cukup berpengaruh karena bila anda bermain Counter Strike tanpa headset ataupun keyboard pasti berbeda dengan bila anda bermain dengan complete equipment

2. Teammate and Teamwork

Teammate are quiete influental in Counter Strike game, especially when you participate a Tournament. Teamwork are the important thing in Counter Strike, because if all of your team playing good but no teamworks has been ascertained 99.9% you'll lose, you can command them to coordinate your team well in the game.Ex: if you play in the Inferno map and in the terrorist team and its the 1st round, Rush Banana with kevlar i'll get the grenade set.

3. Tips How to Play Well

Shooting is the main skills on most of the FPS game,but besides there's other facot. I'll tell you some tips that can be usefull.
1. Concetrate 
2. How to shoot : just focus the enemy with patient and dont be husty, if the enemy is really far just shoot 1-3 bullets and focus with the crosshair. 
3.Mood : i'll not playing Counter Strike in bad mood because it can very influental with your play and you gonna get a bad frag

thx to read this, and 1 more tips to be pro in Counter Strike : PRACTICE

i've some pic of my frag. im not really pro as Markellof or Starrix, enjoy :)

Stream Link :http://www.twitch.tv/broadcast/dashboard